3D Modelling
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We do most of our 3D Modelling in Fusion 360. Often, the modelling is done as a first step in preparation for 3D Printing or CNC Machining. Sometimes it is done simply to visualize sizes, proportions and overall looks before using hand tools for a final build.
Click any of the images for more about that project.
Rowing themed custom belt buckles
Positioner sleeve for mouse thigh bone marrow extraction
MediaWiki kiosk running on a Raspberry Pi 4B
A display where a ship's wheel controls a virtual ship on a screen to demonstrate how Range Lights work
Adapter plate for electric outboard conversion
Museum audio display that plays a short recording.
Museum display that will play audio when it detects the presence of visitors.
Remote, off-grid monitoring and automation
A tape measure that changes how far it is unrolled based on a value on a mediawiki page.
Wall port to exhaust a room air conditioner through wall rather than through window, with cover for winter.
A way to mount the block heater plug on the bumper
SPD standard clip-in foot stretchers for a rowing shell
Tab joined foot stool
Pipe mounted dish glove rack
Adapter between coffee grinder and Espresso maker pod
Oar rack
Rubber mat replacement for antique car
A guide to help maintain the angle of a triangular file when sharpening saws.
Ceiling lamp based on what a resting rowing shell would look like from under water.