Wiki Tape Measure Gadget

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Project: Wiki Tape Measure Gadget (I)
Description: A tape measure that changes how far it is unrolled based on a value on a mediawiki page.
Skillset(s) :

3D Modelling 3D Printing Electronics Mediawiki Programming Python Raspberry Pi

Project Type(s) :

Mediawiki Project

This was mostly built as a curiosity, and a study on how to combine mediawiki with physical computing, which could tie into physical Office Automation.

A tape measure rigged up with a Raspberry Pi using Python and a servo, which scrapes a specific mediawiki page for a number and rolls out the tape to that number.

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  • Find the files for this, with pictures and code.
  • Actioned 2021-10-31

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  • Ask Mark if he has better picture.
  • Actioned 2021-10-31

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