Critical Care and Medicine Database Set of MS Access programs

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Project: Critical Care and Medicine Database Set of MS Access programs (I)
Description: A set of MS Access programs for collection, data processing and data storage for a medical database.
Skillset(s) :

Programming Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)

Project Type(s) :

Office Automation

The Critical Care and Medicine Database Set of MS Access programs is an example of how you can build a bridge with a Swiss army knife when that is the only tool you are allowed to use.

The Critical Care and Medicine Database has been around since 1989. It was originally stored in a DOS program. When that was no longer viable, work place politics meant that the only tool available to move it into was MS Access. Over the last 15 years this has turned into a set of collection tools, data processing tools, batch and VBS files to accomplish scheduled tasks and more. The system has about 20 users and is documented by the CCMDB wiki.

It's a complicated beast, but it runs reliably and continues to be used and updated regularly. I can't decide if I should be proud of it or embarrassed by it.

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