Candle Cabinet Puzzle

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Project: Candle Cabinet Puzzle (I)
Description: Puzzle that unlatches a cabinet if LED candles being blown out in a specific order.
Skillset(s) :

Arduino Electronics Reverse Engineering

Project Type(s) :

Interactive Display

The operator of an escape room asked us to set up the electronics that would run a number of LED candles on a cabinet. If the candles were blown out in the correct order, the cabinet would unlock, and if they were blown out in the wrong order they would eventually re-ignite.

The customer supplied the LED lights and I carefully disassembled them and decided where best to tie into their existing setup to (a) detect whether they are still lit and (b) power them and turn them on and off as needed to reset the puzzle after a period of time. I programmed an Arduino to loop through a cycle of re-setting the candles to all on and wait for one to be blown out. If several or all were blown out in the right order, the arduino would cut power to a magnetic latch on the cabinet. If after a certain delay the puzzle was not solved, all the candles would be turned back on and the program would loop through again.

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  • Actioned 2021-10-31

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