Clip-in foot stretchers
like the ones I have only better, more production
- clip I used is Wellgo WPD-981-GBS
- checked in with Wellgo, they don't sell small
- place in Canada sells the clips alone (see emails, June-Aug 2012)
- mount actual pedals to a set-up, allowing anyone to use same as on bike
- problem is accomodating the sideways torque
- standard thread for pedals is 9/16 20TPI, left and right; Park Tools sells taps
- think other tool and materials suppliers
to do
- consider other source for clip, or make clip
- file generated in Alibre
- test printed; needs changes:
- back holes need to be closer together by about 3mm
- the circle for the pedal axle is too big
- accomodate bolt head on left side (2mm)
- make out of angle aluminum as before (bring aluminum)
- that won't do with new design; will need to find thinckess and then buy some; I think.